Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wow, get this

I received several anonymous comments on my post about Karl Rove saying that McCain's ads had stepped over the "truth" line. One of them said:
If Obama takes office - I am releasing my workers - off-shoring my labor and sending my investments overseas until a REAL President gets in office. Get used to it - those with $250K or more will move out the investments to protect them faster than you can say Hussein... If you rely on your boss for a salary - then prepare not to have a job for long.
So let me get this straight... if Obama wins, this guy (gal?) thinks the appropriate thing to do is to fire his American workers and hire some people overseas to work for his business???

What the @#$!#@???

And I'm sure this guy thinks he's a true patriot.



Blogger Marc said...

and see? i was thinking the opposite - if mccain gets elected it may be time to start looking at a move elsewhere . . .

7:37 AM  

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