Sunday, September 14, 2008

Republicans... we thought they were just "drill Drill DRILL!"

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley has read the Republican's energy plan and noticed something in the fine print. While all we hear from the GOP these days is "drill, baby, drill," their plan also calls for more money for Yucca Mountain, the nuclear waste dump 90 miles from Vegas:

Turns out, buried in the plan House Republicans have been pushing all summer is a provision to step up funding for Yucca Mountain.

More than 100 House Republicans, including Nevada’s Jon Porter and Dean Heller, gave up part of their August recess to return to Washington to protest Democrats’ refusal to consider the Republican energy plan, whose centerpiece is more domestic oil drilling....

But would Porter and Heller, who oppose Yucca Mountain, as do all of Nevada’s other lawmakers in Washington, really want to vote on their party’s plan? It includes a provision weakening one of the best tools the state has in fighting the proposed nuclear waste dump 90 miles north of Las Vegas — lawmakers’ ability to starve the project of needed money.

Somehow, "fision, baby, fission," doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

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