Friday, March 12, 2010

Who is Obama?

David Brooks takes a stab at an answer... and notes that few Americans can really see the reality of who Obama is because of being nestled too snugly in their own "information cocoons."



Blogger TomS said...

Brooks fails to address the simplest idea: Mr. Obama has contradicted himself at every turn. If he tries to get the support of the voters who got him to office, the ones that he is now tenaciously fighting, he will be a one-term president.

Brooks makes sweeping statements about the health care issue and the war policy without supporting any of them.

Yes, one can say that Mr. Obama is "reasonable" and well-spoken. The fact is, however, he is a shark in a pool of sharks, who has used his particular skills to survive. But we are not likely to see positive change.

I can cite examples where Obama actually spoke for Public he has folks arrested at the white house who simply want to discuss the issue with him.

And yet, we will all be required to purchase insurance on the same market as before. How will that play to the unemployed?

He is after all only a politician, and many of us wanted to believe he was different.

I for one have forever lost my naivete, my idealism, and I will never vote for another politician again.

7:54 PM  

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