Friday, March 26, 2010


It's late and it's been a long day, but I just feel the need to briefly write a few lines. I spent most of it at the office working in the familiar corporate environment. But this evening I had a four hour shift, ending at midnight, at a detox unit (aka the drunk tank).

Today I was exposed to the folks struggling on the street, to the people who were bringing them in and taking care of them (who probably never really imagined it'd be like this when they decided to go into public service), and to the men and women fortunate enough to work in a clean, well-tended environment by day. No one knows what anyone else's life is really like, and walking in everyone's shoes is different. But today I got a hefty dose of humility with respect to the many walks of life that people take and gained a stronger sense of respect for the difficult jobs that so many people step into. It's a rough world out there.



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