Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The final debate (Thank God)

6:02pm - Here we go. I have no idea how many presidential debates this year. A few too many! I am soooo ready for this election to be over. Early voting starts here in Nevada on Saturday, and you can better believe that I'll be there.

I'm blogging tonight on my new netbook, the Acer Aspire One. Just 9.7" wide!

6:08 - McCain is speaking directly to Joe (Sixpack?) right now about Obama's tax plan. He sounded a little cornball, trying really hard to score some points. Obama just sticks to his message.

6:11 - McCain is calling Obama's tax plan (which raises taxes only for the 5% of Americans who make $250,000 or more a year) "class warfare."

6:17 - McCain just said that we've seen the biggest increase in federal spending these past eight years since the Great Society. I'm pretty sure it's actually the biggest decrease since Reagan was in office.

6:18 - Earmarks earmarks earmarks!!! OMG McCain just brought up that planetarium projector in Illinois again. Sigh. Obama just pointed out that earmarks account for one half of one percent of the federal budget, as well as the fact that we had a budget surplus eight years ago and have seen the deficit explode since then.

6:20 - McCain just stamped his foot Rumpelstiltskin-style and said "I'm not George Bush!"

6:22 - Obama: As far as economic policies goes, you are George Bush!

6:26 - McCain is just so outclassed here... he's behind, he knows it, and he sounds like he's in high school debating for senior class president.

6:32 - Obama repeatedly attempts to steer the debate to the issues that people care about. McCain is now claiming that the people who come to his rallies and yell things like "kill him" about Obama deserve respect. He's sounding like a petulant child.

6:35 - McCain just put on a really non-presidential face and claimed that ACORN is threatening the "very fabric of our democracy!"

6:37 - Obama just laid out the facts about Bill Ayers and ACORN and said that McCain's focus on these non-issues say more about McCain than Obama. McCain tried to stammer something about blah blah blah, and Bob Schieffer seemed to just want to shut him up.

6:44 - McCain just looks so damned mad when Obama is speaking.

6:58 - McCain seems unaware of what he looks like when Obama is talking and he's being shown on a split screen... Obama seems mildly amused listening to McCain, on the other hand.

7:03 - OMG shut up about "Joe" already, John McCain.

7:28 - McCain is making his final appeal to America to consider him as their next president. He seems like a candidate for another time.

Obama is the candidate for the future.

(Video link)

Debate reaction here, instant poll here.

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