Saturday, March 22, 2008

The shifting landscape of our memories

So while most people sharing this video on their blogs are probably doing so to highlight their belief that Hillary is lying, I feature it here more as evidence for the fallibility of human memory.

My guess is she really does remember it the way she describes. Maybe she is confusing one event with another. Or perhaps she has told the story so many times that it has become gradually more and more embellished until the story bears only superficial similarities to the original. That's something that we all do... studies I have read about have found that the part of a memory that is most easily confused is its source. Did it really happen? Did we dream it? Am I remembering something I have said in the past?

The mind is remarkably adept at filling in the blanks, whether they are due to the design of our eyes or vague recollections of long past events. Optical illusions arise as a result. And so do illusions of past events.

More from the Washington Post's FactChecker.

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