Friday, March 21, 2008

10,000 B.C., digitally enhanced

I saw 10,000 B.C. in a digital projection theater last night (sort of funny to mingle those two in one sentence:-).

Not much of a movie, just some fluff in The Scorpion King vein (though with smaller but still quite nice pecs, lol). The clarity of the image was amazing, sometimes too amazing. Human vision doesn't normally provide such a clear view of the mountainscapes that filled the movie, things tending to get hazier in the distance.

Still, I'm sure digital movies will get better with time... and not having lint and hair littering the frames is great.

On the topic of movies, I saw The Game Plan (with The Rock huge pecs) and Ratatouille on the way to and from Hawai'i. Enjoyed both... and embarassed to admit that I cried during the former! I'm always a sucker for kids getting re-united with their parents.

And I re-watched Crimes and Misdemeanors and Drugstore Cowboy on DVD over the past few days. The former is one of my favorite Woody Allen movies and has long been something of a moral touchstone for me.

And I thought Drugstore was one of the scarier "too many drugs" movies until I saw Requiem for a Dream. But it was a kick to recognize various Portland locales in the film, including an old warehouse (the Chown Pella) that was turned into high end condos in The Pearl district. I almost bought one but ended up picking another building... and a unit right across the hallway from Gus Van Sant, Jr. himself!



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