Saturday, February 09, 2008

Different visions of change

The largest newspaper in Ohio, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, has just endorsed Obama, and they sum up their endorsement by saying:
Bill Clinton says his wife excelled at "making positive changes in other people's lives." Consider that construction. Then listen as Obama talks of bringing people together to change their own lives.
Earlier today I saw Hillary on TV speaking at a rally in Maine. I had the sense that she thinks she's the best candidate for president because of what she'll do for people. Then I read the Cleveland Plain Dealer's endorsement and this idea really solidified: with Hillary it's really all about her, about her knowing what's best for us, about what she'll do for us when she's in Washington.

What is challenging about Obama's candidacy is that he asks us to get off of our collective ass and be the solution we've been waiting for. For all his intellectual and oratory gifts, it's ultimately up to us to find our way out of the darkness.

Timshel! :-)



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