Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a week!

Both personally for me and for America in general.

I've got five classes, four with labs, and had two exams and three quizzes this week. School is going full speed now, today is my "Friday," and I'm ready to sleep in tomorrow after three 6am days in a row!

Wall Street responded, for now, to the Federal Reserve and other central banker's ongoing efforts to inject more and more capital into the world financial system.

And Obama has regained the lead in the polls... which means that we who support him need to keep up whatever it is we are doing to help him maintain that lead for the next 47 days.

IT APPEARS THAT PEOPLE'S MEMORIES are not that short because there are a slew of stories out there about the fact that John McCain voted for the very financial deregulation that has led us to the current Wall Street meltdown. (I have been wondering how Joe Biden voted... turns out he voted against it. :-)

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