Sunday, September 21, 2008

One of those rare occasions when I largely agree...

With Pat Buchanan. He has this to say, and more, about our economic situation:

For years, we Americans have spent more than we earned. We save nothing. Credit card debt, consumer debt, auto debt, mortgage debt, corporate debt — all are at record levels. And with pensions and savings being wiped out, much of that debt will never be repaid.

Our standard of living is inevitably going to fall. For foreigners will not forever buy our bonds or lend us more money if they rightly fear that they will be paid back, if at all, in cheaper dollars.

We are going to have to learn to live again without our means.

The party’s over

Up through World War II, we followed the Hamiltonian idea that America must remain economically independent of the world in order to remain politically independent.

But this generation decided that was yesterday’s bromide and we must march bravely forward into a Global Economy, where we all depend on one another. American companies morphed into “global companies” and moved plants and factories to Mexico, Asia, China and India, and we began buying more cheaply from abroad what we used to make at home: shoes, clothes, bikes, cars, radios, TVs, planes, computers.

As the trade deficits began inexorably to rise to 6 percent of GDP, we began vast borrowing from abroad to continue buying from abroad.

At home, propelled by tax cuts, war in Iraq and an explosion in social spending, surpluses vanished and deficits reappeared and began to rise. The dollar began to sink, and gold began to soar.



Blogger yacovm said...

Last election these crowds that one could still hear echoing “four more years!” that resonated and ultimately stirred a winning cause, was based on Bush would do better in time of war. Did they forget the attracts happened on his watch?
I keep hearing polls insinuating McCain would do better in war because of his experience. Let’s reverse the situation. Who would do better making peace? Better yet. Who would do better in preventing war? Who is the best ticket on talks with our Arab and Muslim friends, McCain-Palin or Obama-Biden? Education is the key here, all nations learning from each other in a give and take of important attitude and feelings. One thing is certain, in the Muslim culture; it is easier for men to converse with each other rather then man and women that’s where Biden has the advantage over Palin. On the same token a man who cries fire (“I would fire him”) is a scary image of McCain’s hand slamming down on a big red button yelling “fire!” Our friends and allies of the Arab and Muslim nations would apt to have a better rapport with Obama

12:04 AM  
Blogger yacovm said...

Last election these crowds that one could still hear echoing “four more years!” that resonated and ultimately stirred a winning cause, was based on Bush would do better in time of war. Did they forget the attracts happened on his watch?
I keep hearing polls insinuating McCain would do better in war because of his experience. Let’s reverse the situation. Who would do better making peace? Better yet. Who would do better in preventing war? Who is the best ticket on talks with our Arab and Muslim friends, McCain-Palin or Obama-Biden? Education is the key here, all nations learning from each other in a give and take of important attitude and feelings. One thing is certain, in the Muslim culture; it is easier for men to converse with each other rather then man and women that’s where Biden has the advantage over Palin. On the same token a man who cries fire (“I would fire him”) is a scary image of McCain’s hand slamming down on a big red button yelling “fire!” Our friends and allies of the Arab and Muslim nations would apt to have a better rapport with Obama

12:06 AM  

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