Monday, September 15, 2008

Biden and Obama take on McCain (updated)

Speaking in Michigan:

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says the once independent-minded John McCain has adopted serve-the-rich policies of President Bush and the divisive tactics of ex-Bush strategist Karl Rove.

"The campaign a person runs says everything about the way they'll govern," Biden said in remarks prepared for delivery Monday in the Detroit suburb of St. Clair Shores. "John McCain has decided to bet the house on the politics perfected by Karl Rove."

Check out the story from MSNBC here (there's also a 4 1/2 minute video clip of Biden). Full text of Biden's remarks here.


And how about this quote made in response to what McCain said this morning:
“That’s what John said,” Biden assured a booing crowd. “He says that, ‘We’ve made great progress economically’ in the Bush years. Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, I could walk from here to Lansing, and I wouldn’t run into a single person who thought our economy was doing well -- unless I ran into John McCain.”

OBAMA ALSO RESPONDED to McCain's characterization of the economy:

It’s not that I think John McCain doesn’t care what’s going on in the lives of most Americans. I just think doesn’t know. He doesn’t get what’s happening between the mountain in Sedona where he lives and the corridors of Washington where he works. Why else would he say that we’ve made great progress economically under George Bush? Why else would he say that the economy isn’t something he understands as well as he should? Why else would he say, today, of all days – just a few hours ago – that the fundamentals of the economy are still strong?

Senator – what economy are you talking about?

What’s more fundamental than the ability to find a job that pays the bills and can raise a family? What’s more fundamental than knowing that your life savings is secure, and that you can retire with dignity? What’s more fundamental than knowing that you’ll have a roof over your head at the end of the day? What’s more fundamental than that?



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