Monday, July 07, 2008

I feel sorry for kids today

Two stories today made me wonder what kind of society we are becoming.

The first was about the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation that children as young as eight be given cholestrol-lowering medications.

I'm not a doctor and not even a physician's assistant yet, but this strikes me as misguided. How is it that we are raising kids so badly in this country that doctors are recommending that they be given drugs usually prescribed for people who've are middle aged?

In my opinion, a pill isn't the solution. Getting the kid on a healthy diet and off the couch has to be the starting point. It's bad enough that we're already prescribing so many kids mood-altering drugs like Prozac... when are we going to stop experimenting with our children and start setting a healthy example for them? How did the health of Americans degrade so much in a single generation?

THE SECOND STORY was about a shopping camp for kids. That's right: summer camps where kids go to the mall and learn how to... shop. More here.


Sorry people, this is where I get off the bus.

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