Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ABC... what a joke of a debate

I have to agree with Andrew Sullivan on this... what a lame debate! We are halfway through and all the moderators have asked about is Rev. Wright, flag pins, the Weathermen, and lack of sniper fire in Bosnia.

HOW FRICKIN' STUPID IS ABC? Are these truly the issues that they think are important???

Housing starts are at their lowest since 1991, the overall economy is taking a dive, oil and food prices are soaring, we're bogged down in a war, and we pump ever more CO2 into the atmosphere every day... and they are asking about flag pins?

Maybe I'm just an "elitist" but I think people are a little smarter than this.

I refuse to watch CNN anymore. Fox's "fair and balanced" coverage is a joke. Let's add ABC to the list.

Let me just say this: if you wonder why fewer people tune in to network television, ABC, try watching your own programming.

AND AFTER THE DEBATE ENDED, you could hear folks at ABC's local affiliate whispering to each other for almost a minute. How embarassing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a waste of time this so-called "debate" was. This shows how out of touch the talking heads of various news networks are. I don't give a damn about some balding hippie from the 60's, I want to know about how the candidates stand on important issues.

9:36 PM  

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