Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You are a miracle

I have a biology exam tomorrow, and I've been studying the past few hours. Getting some ZZZZZs now but wanted to take a second to remind you how amazing you are. Each one of us contains innumerable miracles and brings new ones into existence with every thought.

You could start with the miracle of conception: two tiny cells, one from each parent, uniting and growing into a complete human being.

Add to that the fact that you're able to contemplate that original miracle, that you somehow bring forth a state of consciousness, of self-awareness.

I'd wager that there's more going on inside a single one of your cells than everything we have learned about the body as a whole... that the as yet unknown complexity of a single cell exceeds the sum total of what we've learned up to this point about your organs and tissues and systems.

And every minute of every day we take it all for granted and think that what's going on outside of us in the world is what matters.

Except this one. Enjoy who and what you are... and then go back to acting human. :-)

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