Thursday, March 13, 2008

Michigan's delegates

This is what Hillary had to say on NPR about the delegates from Michigan:
"That was his choice," she says in an interview with Steve Inskeep. "There was no rule or requirement that he take his name off the ballot. His supporters ran a very aggressive campaign to try to get people to vote uncommitted."
It's funny how all of the Democratic candidates removed their names from the Michigan ballot. Everyone except Hillary. They did so because the DNC had stripped Michigan of its delegates, and they all believed that removing their names was the right thing to do. And they would have done the same in Florida except election law there didn't allow them to do so.

Everyone did this. Everyone but Hillary. You've got to ask yourself why. Why did Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and John Edwards--not to mention Obama--all believe removing their names from the ballot was the right and fair thing to do? Why didn't Hillary?

And given that all of those people did, what kind of candidate would want to seat delegates from a state where she was the only one on the ballot?

Not anyone I would want to vote for.



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