Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ohio debate

I finished my chemistry pre-lab, so tuning into the debate. (Which was, of course, why I completed my pre-lab on time. :-)

Here we go! I have to admit to having a bit of campaign fatigue. I'm ready for some resolution.

From the opening moment, a much different tone to this debate.

Hillary was put on the spot with the first question which compared her expression of unity with Obama at the end of the last debate with her angry words in Ohio 48 hours later.

And she repeated for the 15 millionth time her claim that Obama's healthcare plan leaves out 15 million people. I see both of their points: I personally like the fact that Obama's plan doesn't force people to buy health insurance. And I also see John Edwards' point (which Hillary is now repeating) that health insurance works best when the risk is spread as broadly as possible, and that it should work more like Social Security where everyone is automatically covered.

But Jesuchristo, we got it! I can't imagine that there's a person in America who cares that doesn't understand this difference in their plans.

Frankly, my guess is that she is grating on anyone who is undecided by belaboring this point.

Maybe her strategy here is to just piss him off. Sigh.

Yea, moving on! NAFTA

I thought Obama seemed a little nervous in the first few minutes of the debate in Texas, so I was watching for it this time, but didn't notice anything.

OMG. I think Hillary just blew a gasket, complaining about always getting the first question in the recent debates and suggesting that Obama be offered a pillow like last weekend's episode of Saturday Night Live!

Tim Russert is holding both their feet to the fire, reminding them of their previous statements, as he likes to do, and forcing them to say whether or not they still agree.

Hillary is getting the question again about whether or not Obama is qualified to be commander-in-chief. She wisely dodged it in Texas... she seems to be doing so again, backing off a bit from speeches she's made at recent campaign appearances.

It is getting hot. Obama just made the most direct statement I've heard him make that Hillary's vote for the authorization for military force in Iraq was a strategic blunder and has harmed the United States of America.

Obama is occasionally looking exasperated. And at the risk of offending a certain someone in Kansas (whom I love!), Clinton has practically had daggers coming out of her eyes a couple of times.

OMG, back from the commercial break and MSNBC played the wrong tape in setting up a question to Obama! LOL

What he meant to ask Obama about is his comments with regard to Hillary picking and choosing what parts of Bill Clinton's presidential record she takes credit for and highlights.

Obama is making a point that I've wanted him to make for awhile: that being a fighter is not enough. And he went on to say, "hope is not enough."

"The only way we are going to get this stuff done is #1, mobilize and inspire the American people.... There's nothing romantic or silly about that."

GOING TO HAVE TO HEAD to my chem lab soon, here's a link to Andrew Sullivan's live blog post on the debate.



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