Friday, February 15, 2008

Election updates... and Uhura

Lots of Presidential race tidbits today, but I have a wee bit of a headache after my Valentine evening with Victor last night. :-)

So I'll just point you all to Andrew Sullivan and Matthew Yglesias's excellent blogs.

The latter, by the way, has an interesting video of Nichelle Nichols (Uhura on Star Trek) explaining that it was Martin Luther King, Jr. who persuaded her to stay on the show when she considered leaving after the first season.

AND SINCE I'VE WRITTEN ABOUT EARMARKS before, one item of note caught my attention a day or two ago. Hillary Clinton in the top ten Senators in terms of attaching earmarks to spending bills last year. Her $340 million is almost four times as much as Obama's $91 million (he ranks in the bottom quarter on this measure).

McCain, to his credit, had none.



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