Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thirty-two years later

Thirty-two years after Harvey Milk became the first openly gay elected official in California, John Perez has been selected by California Democrats to be the next state Assembly speaker. He'll be the first gay man to hold that position.

Term limits now allow a politician only three two year terms in the Assembly, so being speaker isn't what it used to be. Willie Brown, who held that position for 15 years, was a powerful man indeed.

Any bets on how long it will be before a gay man or lesbian is elected to lead a country?

(By the way, if you've never heard of Georgina Beyer's story, it's worth checking out.)



Blogger TomS said...

My guess is that a woman, straight or gay, will lead our country before a gay man will...While positive change can happen quickly, I sense a slipping back in the perception of gay men in our culture....due to an ignorant and vocal group of people lead by powerful figures who profess to live by a "love thy neighbor" philosophy....

6:28 PM  

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