Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't forget Pelosi and Reid

Jonathan Capehart at the Washington Post points out that Obama isn't the only one who needs to be called out on the lack of progress this year on gay and lesbian issues:

The chants [at yesterday's March on Washington] ranged from predictable ones -- "What do we want? Equal rights! When do we want it? Now!" -- to a reminder roared outside the White House gates -- "What does democracy look like? This is what democracy looks like!"

It should also be a reminder for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. They've done a good job of letting Obama take all the heat from the gay community for inaction in Washington. But if the shameful ban on gays serving openly in the military is to end, if gay and lesbian couples are to share in the rights and responsibilities of marriage that would come with the demise of the Defense of Marriage Act, Congress must overturn them, sending bills to Obama. The president has made it clear that he would sign them. It's time for Pelosi and Reid to follow through.

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