Saturday, February 28, 2009

Changing of the guard

At Focus on the Family:

James Dobson, a child psychologist who became a leader of the religious right, announced yesterday he was stepping down as board chairman of Focus on the Family, the megaministry he and his wife started 32 years ago....

"He realizes he's done what he can do, and the conservative movement needs focus," said Randy Brinson, a conservative physician who founded Redeem the Vote, a group that encourages young evangelicals to vote. "There are some of us trying to show there is a middle ground. . . . Dobson couldn't be a spokesman for that middle group."

I can't say that I'll miss him. As someone who was forced to watch his videos in a public school as a kid--and who as an adult learned how he has worked against equal rights for gays and lesbians--I'm happy to see him go.

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