Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dreams for the week

I've been having some interesting dreams this week. Here are a couple, starting with the bad one.

Monday night I had one of my strangest nightmares ever. Most of my dreams are very visual; this one was mostly tactile.

In the dream I was sleeping, or at least trying to do so. I was in an unfamiliar house and seemed to be lying on my side underneath a staircase with just a thin blanket for warmth.

As I lay there, I began to have the sensation that there was someone behind me. The longer I lay there, the worse my anxiety got. I was trying to keep perfectly still because I knew that if I moved--and if there really was someone behind me--then I'd feel them there and know for sure.
Inevitably I did shift my position, and sure enough, I could feel the weight of another person against me. I immediately woke up, threw the covers off of myself, and whipped my head around to see who it was.

No one. Just an empty room. But terribly unsettling. Weird!

LAST NIGHT I HAD A FAR FUNNIER DREAM. My friend Scott from SF was starting a new job with me, and I was going to show him how to get there. Apparently Rube Goldberg designed the transit system we had to use.

We were each riding on what were essentially skateboards. At first we were sitting on them, and I set off on the path to work with Scott behind. We quickly arrived at the first "rough patch": a narrow, winding stone staircase without side walls to guard against a long fall to the bottom of what seemed to be a ravine. I wasn't scared; I'd bounced down those stairs on my skateboard hundreds of times. But I thought to myself, "Maybe I should have warned Scott about this part!"

When we reached the bottom we changed positions and laid down on our bellies on the skateboards. They must have been somewhat buoyant, because we now had to navigate a marsh. Right at the edge of the marsh, submerged under a few inches of crystal clear water, was my friend John. He had his usual mischievous grin on his face... he was trying to scare us!

Apparently we really wanted to get to work, so we kept going. And apparently no one wanted us to get there, because now as we inched along in just a few inches of water, we began to notice a horrible stench. And there, right under my nose, was a big chunk of a really stinky cheese. And then there were some rotting buffalo chicken wings! And on and on. My friend Jim had laid out a trail of smelly food to dissuade us from getting to work.

That's about the point where I woke up. I wish I'd found out what our job was, it must have been really important! ;-)



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