Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brita pitchers... safe to use?

I have a few earlier posts (1, 2, 3) about the best plastics to use for water and food. As I was about to buy a Brita pitcher for my own use, I wondered about the plastics in their products. Based on what I learned, I went ahead and bought one.

Read it for yourself here and here. Note that the first article has this general guideline about reducing your exposure to bisphenol A (BPA):
The average person is probably getting more BPA by eating canned food and drinking canned soda than from drinking out of a polycarbonate beverage container. BPA is used to line the inside of metal food and soda cans and leaches from the can liner into the food. Acidic foods like tomato sauces and soda absorb more BPA. To reduce your exposure, drink less canned soda and eat less canned food, especially those that are tomato-based. These days, I buy tomato sauce in glass jars, not in cans!



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