Thursday, July 24, 2008

More on fat

Gary Taubes, an author who's written a lot about fat's effects on human health, sees some evidence in a recent Israeli study that saturated fat isn't the cardiac villain that it's made out to be. (Here's an older post about one of his articles.)

On the flip-side, there's some evidence that fructose may be more easily converted to fat than other types of sugar. But there's an important point here: eating fruit, which contains a lot of fructose, isn't the problem. Fruit is a "whole food" containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

The source of fructose that people need to be watching is high fructose corn syrup, a commodity produced industrially and used by the food industry in places you'd never imagine.

Read the label, and avoid it when you can.

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