Thursday, May 15, 2008

So Happy It's Thursday


It's a busy news day... the California Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage (yea!), the impact of Edwards' endorsement of Obama, the Bush/McCain and Obama controversy over what the former are calling "appeasement" and what I consider "intelligent, pragmatic foreign policy," Hillary's defense of Obama on that particular matter, and so on.

But I just finished final exams for my first semester back in school, and I'm #1 exhausted and #2 a little giddy! Even though my summer classes start on Tuesday, I've taken so many quizzes and exams these last few weeks--and spent so many hours studying--that even this long weekend seems like a vacation.

All the work paid off, though, as I'm happy with my results so far. And Victor has been great and soooo supportive... thank you, bobo! ;-)

So instead of blogging about anything else I'm going to take a nap. Later we're going to the opening of the new Kerry Simon restaurant over at Palms Place. Then... who knows.

If you're interested in what I might have written about, check out what I was reading while I was at the gym. The stories are listed in the pale pink box titled, "What I'm Reading...".


Obama has now been endorsed by three of his former rivals for the Democratic nomination: Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, and John Edwards.

Is there a Mr. Biden in the house?

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