Friday, May 30, 2008

CNN: Obama bandwagon?

While I try to avoid CNN when I can, when I'm on the stairclimber at the gym, it's either that, Fox News, or ESPN. :-)

This afternoon I caught a report from Bill Schneider which found growing evidence of a nationwide shift towards Obama.

In their May 8-13 nationwide "poll of polls" analysis, Obama was leading Hillary 49% to 42%. In the latest period, May 15-29, he's doubled his lead: 54% to 40%.

Hillary won California back on February 5: 52% to 43%. In a May 16-27 Field Poll, Californians now prefer Obama 51% to 38%.

Similarly, she won New Jersey on February 5: 54% to 44%. But a poll conducted there April 24-28 found Obama leading, 45% to 38%.

Also in their "poll of polls" analysis, both Obama and Hillary are leading John McCain, albeit by the same 3% margin.

And swing states? CNN finds that Obama does better than Hillary against McCain in 12 states, four of which are considered to be in play in the general election.

Hillary does better than Obama in only five, three of which are swing states.

The full video report here.

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