Friday, March 02, 2007

Geezer squeezers... and health coverage

So I've been wondering for some time now if I'm going to be part of the last generation that will grow old looking its age (I'm 41). My concern is that a new generation of beauty treatments will come along in the next decade which will eliminate the appearance of aging, and everyone younger than me will be able to avoid the lines, wrinkles, spots, and rock slides of aging.

On the other hand, it's occurred to me that that development might just give those of us who will be looking like geezers an exotic aura... and usher in an era of "geezer squeezers" who want to jump our bones. (I know, wishful thinking!)

I read "Is Looking Your Age Now Taboo?" in the New York Times that explores the issue... read on.

I promise I won't get a face lift if you won't!

BUT AS LONG AS WE'RE ON THE SUBJECT (health care, that is), a more important story also showed up in the Times. A recent poll shows that a majority of Americans think that the government should guarantee health care to all citizens. And they're willing to pay higher taxes to make it happen.

I have to admit to understanding the issue a lot more clearly since becoming self-employed. Interestingly, six out of ten people in the poll said that someone in their household had gone without health care due to the cost.

Read the article here. And if you haven't read it before, Malcolm Gladwell's piece in the New Yorker, "The Moral-Hazard Myth," is worth the time.


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