An extraordinary week!
I have been in constant motion all week long, and it's been a total rush. It truly has been one of the most extraordinary weeks I've had in a long time.
Even more wonderful, I have been having conversations with other people who are also having miraculous experiences. My mother just called and shared with me something happening in her life. She's a participant in Landmark Education's Wisdom Course, and part of her coursework is to take on an initiative in which she brings a distinction of Landmark's curriculum into her community. She chose "generosity" for her initiative, and today she shared with me a particular conversation in which she was generous in her acknowledgment of someone else.
As soon as she began to speak, I found myself crying, even before I heard what she had to say. I was immediately aware that the person I was listening to was a woman more powerful than my mother had ever been. I could hear the breakthrough in her voice, not as a momentary burst of excitement, but as a now deep-rooted grounding in her true self. It was incredibly moving.
All week long I have been living in a sea of what is possible in the world, engaging in conversations with people about what they want out of their lives. I am finding in myself a hugely expanded ability to hear people, to really be with them. And what a miraculous experience it is... over and over and over in conversation I have been reminded of the Nelson Mandela "child of god" quote in which he says, "And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
I became aware this week that something has fundamentally shifted in my life since my trip to Costa Rica. I feel bigger in the world and full of energy. I feel as if I matured ten years in the course of a week, and I do mean matured in the best possible sense. Free to own all of my gifts, free to step into everything that I am capable of. Free to stretch myself to be bigger than I know myself to be. And willing to enage life full on and challenge myself as I've never done.
I have never been one to plan very far ahead, but this week I found myself looking at what training I wanted to take on in 2008. That's a radical act for me. :-)
THIS WEEK MARKS A HUGE MILESTONE IN MY LIFE. I was hired by two people as a life coach; they are my first paying clients. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with both of them. While having lunch with my friend Kiko this week, I realized another wonderful benefit of becoming a life coach is that I only have to work with people that I want to work with. How awesome is that?

As Helen Keller said, "Life is a daring adventure, or nothing." Live it!
Labels: being human
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